The Critical Care Information System (CCIS) is a comprehensive source of province-wide information on access to critical care, with a focus on bed availability, critical care service utilization, and selected patient outcomes. The Intensive Care Observational Registry (iCORE) project is a coordinated effort to create a high-quality registry of critically ill patients, through a province-wide collaboration of academic and community health centers. There are currently 9 ICUs from 7 different hospitals in the Greater Toronto Area. It works synergistically with the existing CCIS by providing data on processes of care to inform and support continuous quality improvement (QI). An important and innovative feature of the iCORE project is the modular nature of data collection, depending on the focus of the quality and/or safety issue being studied – while a minimal data set (e.g., patient demographics, diagnosis, severity of illness) will be collected on all patients, a tailored data collection module can be added to address a specific question or process of care issue. As a result, iCORE can accommodate distinct time-limited data collection modules that can be designed and implemented to answer new investigator-initiated, hypothesis-driven clinical research and QI questions. iCORE contains data on several evidence-based processes of care for critically ill patients, such as sedation interruption, spontaneous breathing trials, delirium screening and incidence, early mobility, lung protective ventilation, and thromboprophylaxis. Finally, using iCORE infrastructure for sustained data collection facilitates large-scale knowledge translation (KT); and ensures continuous evaluation of barriers, performance measures and unintended consequences.
Dr. Eddy Fan
Associate Professor
Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine
University of Toronto